Mark Twain once said, “All ideas are secondhand, consciously and unconsciously drawn from a million outside sources. We are constantly littering our literature with disconnected sentences borrowed from books at some unremembered time and now imagined to be our own.” Many of the ideas that we come up with in our heads come from past experiences that we had in our lives and come together to create a product that is not completely original. Combining ideas is something people do every day and to bring those two ideas together and producing something with a different meaning is a remix. Remixes try to improve upon and change other ideas which helps provide many things such as important information, a different outlook on an issue or entertainment to the viewer. They are also made by many different people from artists to corporations, that they can pretty much do anything.

Remix can help solve many problems in the world because of the amount of activism involved in them. Many remixes have to do with political, economic, social or cultural issues and change in the world and provide different outlooks from what society thinks today. Many of the remixes that I looked at and made in class had to do with this. The first remix, Primetime Terror, had to do with how Primetime TV had different and skewed views about they perceived the war on terror. The second remix we analyzed intertextuality in the speech, and it had many references to social and historical issues entwined in it to get Herb Brook’s team ready for a big moment in the Olympics. The third remix that I composed was about how the culture of music was changing and it was becoming less of an art form and more of a business. As you can see, big issues in the world are one of the topics that remixes and remix artists create products about because it can help inform and gain support of people in the world.

Remix can also provide entertainment to its audience. It is a big part of the music industry and by creating a new and “better” version of a song it provides entertainment for the listener. In addition, many artists make their living by remixing songs. Many DJ’s mix different songs and samples together to create a new product that people can listen to and also put on shows mixing music live. In addition, many remix artists remix different shows, movies, and other pop culture items to fans that love to watch and just have a laugh. Although this version of a remix may not solve very many problems in the world, it does provide enjoyment to others as well as revenue for many big artists to keep creating more.

Many remixes are produced through a multimodal method which is a composition method that has many assets. First of all, by using a multimodal method of composition, you can distribute your video or song through many social and video networks such as YouTube, Facebook and Twitter. Many of these remixes are easy to use by viewers and are able to get to a bigger audience in a very short amount of time. Another advantage to using this method is that it is more entertaining and can be more of an effective tool if done right. By using a rhetorical approach and directing it to the right audience, it would be a strong remix and could appeal to the audience in many different ways. A final strength to multimodal composing is about how it is much more likely to be viewed than reading a long paper about remix because you can add so many technical elements to keep the viewer’s attention and to provide them with all the information in a shorter amount of time.

The problem with multimodal composing is dealing with copyright infringement laws. These laws can be very annoying and can end up with your remix being taken down and other consequences but there are some ways to get around this. With the Fair Use Act it makes it possible for artists to use samples of other people’s works for use in theirs to produce a new or improved idea or creation. Another weakness of using multimodal composition is the fact that it is not an easy thing to create. Creating a remix is really an art form and has to be thought through thoroughly for it to be effective. In addition, some of the technology used to download and produce songs and video sometimes does not work as well as it could. Although there are some disadvantages, there are many benefits to this method and it is the most prevalent form of remix today.

Generally remixes form new ideas and creations made from one or many different artists and provide many different views on a topic to form an argument. Using remixes are effective ways of getting your argument and opinion out to your audience especially by using a multimodal method of composition that can be distributed to the masses. Remix also help solve and provide information and solutions about many problems and big issues that are going on in the world. Although the ideas in the remix are not completely original, we as humans get our ideas from secondhand sources anyway so it never really could be in the first place.